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April 23, 2018

Sophie’s Choice - Super Meat Boy




















Super Meat Boy is by quite a way the oldest suggestion on my list and it is by far the goriest platformers I have ever played and also one of the best. Super Meat Boy is a trial and error game which makes the player rely on their reaction times, something I’m not adept at to start with.


I do enjoy a challenge though and there wasn’t a time when playing Super Meat Boy that I wasn’t at least having fun! The game is extremely fast paced and has the player dashing and sliding through colourful and entertaining levels.


The main selling point for Super Meat Boy has to be the gore. Every time you die, and trust me that will be a lot, pixelated blood is sent flying. This isn’t just a silly mechanic though, the blood remains every time you respawn, reminding you where you died last. The blood acts as a marker for the parts of each level you find hardest, marking the parts you have to practice again and again until you get it right.


Would I play Super Meat Boy again? Yes. Super Meat Boy is one of those quick, fun little titles you can open for 5 minutes when there’s time, but at the same time, it wouldn’t be hard to sit and play it for hours on end.



Kit's Choice - Who's Your Daddy











One of the darkest competitive games I have ever played. Who’s Your Daddy has players split between two teams, one player is a father who is just trying his best and the other, or others, play a baby who will stop at nothing to end its own life.


In essence, this is very dark game. But for some reason that is entirely glossed over by the manic gameplay. This game almost demands using some form of communication, like a Skype call, with whoever you’re playing with as this is one of those games which will have everyone howling with laughter.


This is a purely gameplay-based game and that’s refreshing for me. I’m not a huge player of arcade style games and other than competitive games like Overwatch, I spend most of my time in story driven games to while away the hours.


Would I play Who’s Your Daddy again? I think so, but it really is one of those games you have to be in the mood for. With the right people, this game is a lot of fun, but it does rely heavily on that.



David’s Suggestion - Firewatch




















So now I’m getting back into my comfort zone. Firewatch is an atmospheric masterpiece in the form of a walking sim. This adventure game puts the player in the role of Henry, a new fire lookout in the wilderness of Wyoming.


The game takes place as Henry goes about his job with brief interludes of conversation with his supervisor, Delilah, over his radio. There is a whole lot of story and mystery in this one, far too much to get through in one sitting. But as the game progresses the player learns more about Henry and Delilah whilst exploring and solving unique and endearing situations.


The game is fairly linear but is beautiful and hugely atmospheric. The art style is simple without losing out on detail and the colour palette is perfect for setting the game’s mood. Overall Firewatch is a relaxing and yet captivating game, it is masterfully executed and tells an interesting story. Though the gameplay is not overly complex there is still a lot of fun to be had here.


Would I play Firewatch again? Yes. Definitely. As I write this Valve has just bought Campo Santo, the company behind the game, so maybe with their combined resources, we’ll see a new project from them soon.



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